For the first time - the diet police struck today. I started to eat a bag (small one) of snack mix and someone said - no you're doing too good to ruin it with that. And grabbed the bag away. I got one mini-pretzel.
Normally that would totally piss me off - but she did it with love so it was o.k.
I'm so close to 100 lbs total gone - I can feel it. But the darn scale won't budge. It's frustrating but I know the weight will come off.
I'm getting a little nervous about the 5 month mark - it's coming on April 1st. I can start eating pasta, rice, potatoes, beef, pork - "normal" food. The thing is - I don't think I want to. I feel so much better not eating that crap - and I'm afraid to start eating it again. I think that deep down I'm afraid that if I do eat that stuff I'll immediately balloon up again. I know that it won't happen that way but that's what I'm afraid of.
I think for now I'll just take it slow and not jump in with both feet. If I'm out and have something - ok. But I won't cook that stuff as part of my regular diet.