Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What the HELL is wrong with me?

I saw Dr. Sabapathy last week and then saw Nancy, the dietitian.  I had a plan - I knew what to do.  I started yesterday morning.  I set my goals, I pre-planned and packed my food.  I did good all day - well most of the day - I grabbed a couple of handfuls of popcorn from the breakroom.  Then I got home - pizza for dinner, then sorbet, then popcorn, then whoppers.  Damn.

What the HELL is wrong with me.  I want this - I really do.  So why do I keep sabatoging myself.  And when I eat this crap I feel like crap.  I have got to get this under control - I have got to do this.

Today - a new day.  I have my plan - I can work my plan - I WILL work my plan.

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