Saturday, April 2, 2011

100 lbs - total loss

I did it...  100 lbs total loss since February 2010.  59 lbs since surgery.  My next goal will be 100 lbs lost since surgery.  According to Dr. Kowalski, I should make that this summer.  It feels good.  No I take that back - IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!

I went shopping with Stella last night.  She convinced me to try on regular dress slacks - you know the kind with a waistband and a zipper.  I went in the dressing room - convinced they wouldn't fit but I tried.  They fit.  I bought 2 pair.  :)  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!

I saw Dr. Mounla this week.  I'm off my "with meal" insulin.  Still on the evening insulin but that's down from 4 shots a day to 1.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!  I have to start taking a couple of oral medications now and Dr. Mounla said "we'll try it but no guarantees you won't have to go back on the insulin".  Well since then - that was Monday - I have only had 1 blood sugar above 100 and that one was 101.  In your face doc!!!!  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!

I increased my exercise this week - I'm riding 20 minutes at a time on my bike instead of 15.  And I actually enjoy it.  And I can do it.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!

I said "no" when someone asked me to take on another task this week and the world kept spinning.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!!

I found out I do have some self-confidence.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!

Things I've learned in the past year:

1)  This is not the easy way out.  Whoever first said that needs to walk a mile in my shoes, it's not easy.

2)  Even with surgery - you have to work at weight loss.

3)  I feel so much better when I make healthy choices.

4)  Sometimes I have to put me first.  If I don't take care of "me" no one else will.

5)  I can say no and the world keeps spinning.

6)  I am worth the effort this takes.

Onward - next goal.  299!  42 lbs to go.

This is me the day I made 100 lbs gone - I had climbed to an overlook at an Iowa State Park.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good and faithful work! YOU are amazing!
