Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I feel amazing....

and that's a problem.  I came  to the realization late last night that the reason I'm not doing very well with my diet and exercise is because I feel so great.  Since I feel so great - I forget how far I still have to go.  Then I skip exercise, I make bad choices with food, I don't check my blood sugar and I don't take my vitamins.

If I keep this up - I won't feel good for long.  So what am I going to do about it?

1) track my food - even if it's a bad choice - it gets written down
2) exercise - no more excuses.  Even if it's only my exercise bike for right now - it's something.  Once I get this cast off I'll start swimming again and when the doc releases me - will go back to circuit training.
3) vitamins.  For now I'll be more diligent about my vitamins - adding those to the tracking.  Eventually, I'll switch to the bariatric fusion vitamins so I don't have to worry about my calcium and vitamin b anymore.
4) blood sugar - ok, I probably won't track with every meal anymore but I will track in the morning.  At least check it - although I probably will just let the meter track it and not write it down.

I know I can do this - it's important to me.  Not just for vanity but to continue to feel great.  To continue to have good health. 

Luv me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Transferred Addictions

I ate a dozen peanut butter cookies the other day.

I realized this morning that what I'm doing is transferred addiction.  Before surgery, I ate.  After surgery, I couldn't eat so I bought.  Now I can't buy (credit cards are maxed) so I'm back to eating.

This has to stop.  Eating is not going to change the situation with my hand.  It's either broken or a torn ligament or will be better soon and I'll be able to go back to work.  In any case, eating is not going to make it better.  It's not going to enable me to go to the gym.  It's not going to heal any faster by eating cookies and chips. 

I need to look at why I want to lose weight - at the changes that I've made already and the many changes that are yet to come.  I know I can do this - I want this more than anything.  I imagine myself at less than 200 lbs.  I can't wait for that day. 

I'm already so much more active - I go to the gym.  I hike when we're camping.  I walk to the bathroom when we're camping instead of driving.  I feel so much better when I'm not eating junk.

Today - a day of reflection.  To remember why I did this.  To remember how I felt at 441 lbs - how miserable, how sad....  And to envision my life when I reach my goal.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


in me.  I gave into carbs and now I'm struggling with cravings.  I seem to be eating all the time.  Is it stress, is it depression from sending Eric home again?  Can I blame mom for taking biscuits to Minnesota?

No to all of the above.  The only person I can blame is ME.  I choose what I eat.  Yes, it was difficult to avoid the carbs in Minnesota.  But, I had apples available.  I'm the one that chose to eat the biscuit.  I'm the one that ran through the drive-thru at McDonalds.

I shouldn't have started it - I have to stop it.  NOW!

Tomorrow I go back to protein and veggies and fruit only.  No, make that now, today, right this minute.  If I snack - it will be on fruit. 

Dr. Cusik (plastic surgeon who did Eric's surgery on his hand) was the guest speaker at the support group today.  I took that as a sign that I'm supposed to move forward.

No more excuses - so I have an open wound on my thigh - I can't swim and I can't do circuit training.  I can ride my exercise bike.  So I have a sprained wrist.  I can't do circuit training - I can ride my exercise bike and I can swim.  I can also walk. 

A quote that was shared with me today -- Nobody cares if you can't dance well, just dance. 

In other words - just do it - no excuses.