Thursday, June 2, 2011


in me.  I gave into carbs and now I'm struggling with cravings.  I seem to be eating all the time.  Is it stress, is it depression from sending Eric home again?  Can I blame mom for taking biscuits to Minnesota?

No to all of the above.  The only person I can blame is ME.  I choose what I eat.  Yes, it was difficult to avoid the carbs in Minnesota.  But, I had apples available.  I'm the one that chose to eat the biscuit.  I'm the one that ran through the drive-thru at McDonalds.

I shouldn't have started it - I have to stop it.  NOW!

Tomorrow I go back to protein and veggies and fruit only.  No, make that now, today, right this minute.  If I snack - it will be on fruit. 

Dr. Cusik (plastic surgeon who did Eric's surgery on his hand) was the guest speaker at the support group today.  I took that as a sign that I'm supposed to move forward.

No more excuses - so I have an open wound on my thigh - I can't swim and I can't do circuit training.  I can ride my exercise bike.  So I have a sprained wrist.  I can't do circuit training - I can ride my exercise bike and I can swim.  I can also walk. 

A quote that was shared with me today -- Nobody cares if you can't dance well, just dance. 

In other words - just do it - no excuses.

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