Saturday, January 29, 2011

Emotional Eating

I thought I was beyond all this emotional eating crap.  That is until Eric mentioned earlier in the week that he was leaving on Friday - then I couldn't grab those chips fast enough.  Luckily - the amount and type of trigger foods in the house is very limited.  All we had were tortilla chips.  A few is all I could eat.

Thankfully, I wised up quickly and put the food away.  When he left for the Air Force, I gained the 50 lbs I had lost plus 40 of their friends.  That's almost gone now - and I'm not going back there.

My new goal is to lose so much that when he comes home for Christmas - he won't recognize me.  I can picture us at the airport - waiting for his flight.  And he gets off the plane and walks right past me!  Wouldn't that be awesome!

I have this picture posted at work and I'm going to put one on my bulletin board as well.  The caption reads - "will he recognize me at Christmas".  Hopefully that picture and the one of me with Cali will provide enough reminders to help me through the pizza parties and receptions at work.

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