Friday, January 6, 2012

What Happened?

Here I am in 2012.  I was supposed to be close to my goal by now - at least that was MY plan.  But here I am - within 10 lbs of the same weight I was in May last year - 6 months after my surgery.

I was doing great - then I went to Minnesota with mom and dad for my brother's wedding.  I also starting eating carbs - this was my 6 months when under the surgery diet - carbs were allowed.  We got back - work was stressful, then Eric came home for a visit, then we went camping for Memorial Day.  Memorial Day weekend I broke my arm.

It was my first time hiking with everyone on a camping trip.  It had been raining and the trail was muddy and slick.  It was also covered in tree roots and rocks.  But nothing was going to stop me - I was determined to do it.  I had lost 100 lbs and I was going to put my new self into practice.  So off we all went.  We weren't 1/3 of the way through when I stepped on a rock, my muddy shoe slipped and down I went.  Andrew and Jenny helped me up and we continued on our hike.  Nothing was going to stop me.  Soon my arm started swelling and I told Jenny that I thought I had broken my arm.  I told Andrew I thought I had broken my arm.  We continued on the hike - I just made sure I didn't fall again.  Nothing was going to stop me - besides, if I stopped - I'd just have to turn around and hike back out - may as well finish.  We finished the hike and Julie came and picked us up.  When we returned to the campground - Andrew took me to the emergency room.  It took 2 weeks before the swelling went down enough and an MRI identified the break.  Six weeks off work, eating carbs, no exercise.....  Something stopped me.

I tried to exercise, I tried to eat right - but everytime I exercised, my arm swelled to the point the cast was cutting off the circulation.  I was bored, fast food was readily available, carbs tasted good.  Something stopped me - and let's face it - that something was ME.  I stopped me.  And I'm still struggling to find my way back.

But, I'm determined to do it.  I'm determined to find that woman who was determined to finish that 1 mile hike.  I'm determined to feel good and have energy again and I know that comes from eating healthy and exercising.

Now, I'm recovering from a surgery - on my foot.  The cause of that pain that I've had in my foot for 10 years  was finally identified and surgically corrected.  The problem is that I'm totally non-weightbearing for 6 - 8 weeks.  I'm 3 weeks in now and I'm going stir-crazy.  But one thing that being housebound and stuck in a choice of 3 chairs or a bed has made me realize that I don't want to be this way long term.

I want to be active again, I want to eat right.  I want to be independent and not have to depend on others.  And if I don't get back on track, get active and eat right - I will be bedridden and dependent on others for everything - long term.   And that's just not acceptable.

When I finished the above post, I went back and read my blog.  I think I know where I need to start - I need to go back to journaling.  So, I'm headed to bed for now - but in the morning - I start journaling.  Every bite, any exercise....  maybe even feelings when I'm eating so that I can identify the boredom eating.....

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