Thursday, September 1, 2011

Confession Time

I haven't lost more than 6 lbs in 4 months.  I feel like I'm wasting this opportunity.  It started with my trip to Minnesota for Gary's wedding - at the same time I was first allowed to have carbs again.  Then we went camping - lots of bad choices and I broke my wrist.  8 weeks without exercise.  and sitting at home, watching TV - mostly cooking shows - and snacking.

Now the snacking pattern is back and I'm having trouble breaking it.  I tried to  blame the no weight loss on my accident - but that's not true - it's me.  I need to get back in the game.  I need to get a plan for lunches and dinners and stick to it.

Today, I have to work.  Tomorrow I'm home all day - waiting to leave to go camping.  Tomorrow I will revisit bariatric cookbooks and get ideas for lunches.  When we get back from camping - I will have a plan on how I'm going to overcome this and how I'm going to hold myself accountable.

Today is a start - I will take my protein shake to work and a yogurt.  I have no snacks at work so I'm stuck with what I take.  It will be a long day - we'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I feel amazing....

and that's a problem.  I came  to the realization late last night that the reason I'm not doing very well with my diet and exercise is because I feel so great.  Since I feel so great - I forget how far I still have to go.  Then I skip exercise, I make bad choices with food, I don't check my blood sugar and I don't take my vitamins.

If I keep this up - I won't feel good for long.  So what am I going to do about it?

1) track my food - even if it's a bad choice - it gets written down
2) exercise - no more excuses.  Even if it's only my exercise bike for right now - it's something.  Once I get this cast off I'll start swimming again and when the doc releases me - will go back to circuit training.
3) vitamins.  For now I'll be more diligent about my vitamins - adding those to the tracking.  Eventually, I'll switch to the bariatric fusion vitamins so I don't have to worry about my calcium and vitamin b anymore.
4) blood sugar - ok, I probably won't track with every meal anymore but I will track in the morning.  At least check it - although I probably will just let the meter track it and not write it down.

I know I can do this - it's important to me.  Not just for vanity but to continue to feel great.  To continue to have good health. 

Luv me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Transferred Addictions

I ate a dozen peanut butter cookies the other day.

I realized this morning that what I'm doing is transferred addiction.  Before surgery, I ate.  After surgery, I couldn't eat so I bought.  Now I can't buy (credit cards are maxed) so I'm back to eating.

This has to stop.  Eating is not going to change the situation with my hand.  It's either broken or a torn ligament or will be better soon and I'll be able to go back to work.  In any case, eating is not going to make it better.  It's not going to enable me to go to the gym.  It's not going to heal any faster by eating cookies and chips. 

I need to look at why I want to lose weight - at the changes that I've made already and the many changes that are yet to come.  I know I can do this - I want this more than anything.  I imagine myself at less than 200 lbs.  I can't wait for that day. 

I'm already so much more active - I go to the gym.  I hike when we're camping.  I walk to the bathroom when we're camping instead of driving.  I feel so much better when I'm not eating junk.

Today - a day of reflection.  To remember why I did this.  To remember how I felt at 441 lbs - how miserable, how sad....  And to envision my life when I reach my goal.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


in me.  I gave into carbs and now I'm struggling with cravings.  I seem to be eating all the time.  Is it stress, is it depression from sending Eric home again?  Can I blame mom for taking biscuits to Minnesota?

No to all of the above.  The only person I can blame is ME.  I choose what I eat.  Yes, it was difficult to avoid the carbs in Minnesota.  But, I had apples available.  I'm the one that chose to eat the biscuit.  I'm the one that ran through the drive-thru at McDonalds.

I shouldn't have started it - I have to stop it.  NOW!

Tomorrow I go back to protein and veggies and fruit only.  No, make that now, today, right this minute.  If I snack - it will be on fruit. 

Dr. Cusik (plastic surgeon who did Eric's surgery on his hand) was the guest speaker at the support group today.  I took that as a sign that I'm supposed to move forward.

No more excuses - so I have an open wound on my thigh - I can't swim and I can't do circuit training.  I can ride my exercise bike.  So I have a sprained wrist.  I can't do circuit training - I can ride my exercise bike and I can swim.  I can also walk. 

A quote that was shared with me today -- Nobody cares if you can't dance well, just dance. 

In other words - just do it - no excuses.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

He noticed

Eric came home last week - it was the first visit since early this year.  When he was home before - he didn't notice - even though I had lost 80 lbs total at that time.  This time, he got off the plane and said "Mom - you're shrinking away".  He said I'm "half-mom" now.  It really felt good.

There's so many things I can do now that I didn't do before.  I have so much more energy.  I've been doing laundry, cooking, cleaning....  And,

this weekend, while camping, I went hiking on the trail.  It ended in a trip to the ER but I did it.  I hike a mile through the woods with everyone else instead of sitting at the campground with Julie.  I also walked to the bathroom (most of the time - I drove twice).  When the kids went splashing in the creek - I went down to the creek as well. 

The ER?  The trail was muddy and covered in rocks and tree roots.  I slipped in the mud and landed on my outstretched palm.  My wrist is swollen and hurts like hell.  Andrew took me to the ER - they said it was just sprained.  They gave me a prescription for Vicoden but I didn't fill it.  I didn't want to spend my camping trip in a fog.  The next day - I hiked again - just a short trail and it was paved - it was also all uphill.  But I did it.

I have also bought a bike.  We took it with us this weekend camping but with my wrist in a brace - I didn't get a chance to try to ride it.

I started circut training at the gym.  It's hard but it's worth it.  I can already see a difference in my muscle tone.  I'm grounded until my wrist heals - but I'll be back at it and in the meantime - I'm going to go back to riding my stationary bike.

Nothing is stopping me now - nothing!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

100 lbs - total loss

I did it...  100 lbs total loss since February 2010.  59 lbs since surgery.  My next goal will be 100 lbs lost since surgery.  According to Dr. Kowalski, I should make that this summer.  It feels good.  No I take that back - IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!

I went shopping with Stella last night.  She convinced me to try on regular dress slacks - you know the kind with a waistband and a zipper.  I went in the dressing room - convinced they wouldn't fit but I tried.  They fit.  I bought 2 pair.  :)  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!

I saw Dr. Mounla this week.  I'm off my "with meal" insulin.  Still on the evening insulin but that's down from 4 shots a day to 1.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!  I have to start taking a couple of oral medications now and Dr. Mounla said "we'll try it but no guarantees you won't have to go back on the insulin".  Well since then - that was Monday - I have only had 1 blood sugar above 100 and that one was 101.  In your face doc!!!!  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!

I increased my exercise this week - I'm riding 20 minutes at a time on my bike instead of 15.  And I actually enjoy it.  And I can do it.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!

I said "no" when someone asked me to take on another task this week and the world kept spinning.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!!

I found out I do have some self-confidence.  IT FEELS AMAZING!!!!!!

Things I've learned in the past year:

1)  This is not the easy way out.  Whoever first said that needs to walk a mile in my shoes, it's not easy.

2)  Even with surgery - you have to work at weight loss.

3)  I feel so much better when I make healthy choices.

4)  Sometimes I have to put me first.  If I don't take care of "me" no one else will.

5)  I can say no and the world keeps spinning.

6)  I am worth the effort this takes.

Onward - next goal.  299!  42 lbs to go.

This is me the day I made 100 lbs gone - I had climbed to an overlook at an Iowa State Park.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The diet police

For the first time - the diet police struck today.   I started to eat a bag (small one) of snack mix and someone said - no you're doing too good to ruin it with that.  And grabbed the bag away.  I got one mini-pretzel.

Normally that would totally piss me off - but she did it with love so it was o.k.

I'm so close to 100 lbs total gone - I can feel it.  But the darn scale won't budge.  It's frustrating but I know the weight will come off. 

I'm getting a little nervous about the 5 month mark - it's coming on April 1st.  I can start eating pasta, rice, potatoes, beef, pork - "normal" food.  The thing is - I don't think I want to.  I feel so much better not eating that crap - and I'm afraid to start eating it again.  I think that deep down I'm afraid that if I do eat that stuff I'll immediately balloon up again.  I know that it won't happen that way but that's what I'm afraid of.

I think for now I'll just take it slow and not jump in with both feet.  If I'm out and have something - ok.  But I won't cook that stuff as part of my regular diet.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Did You Have Surgery?

I had my first "did you have surgery" comment today.  I answered her truthfully.  I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I was proud to say that I did, that I'm doing great and I feel great.  She said I was just melting away.

It feels good.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Food Memories

I am finding that food doesn't taste near as good as I remember it or in some cases imagine it. 

I've given into a few temptations recently.  Things that I see in commercials or smell and they sound / smell so good or I remember them being so good and I indulge.  And then it doesn't taste as good as I think it should.  It's a disappointment and I end up being disappointed in myself for giving in.

It's a lose - lose situation.  I need to break that habit.  I need to remember why I'm doing this.  I need to remember the ultimate goal.  I need to keep my eye on the prize.

Friday, February 18, 2011

More NSV's

Several NSV's.....  Had to go bra shopping - down 2 sizes.  Undies - down 3 sizes - 3x!!!!!

And best of all - Andrew can now wrap his arms all the way around me!!!!  Time to snuggle....  :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 month checkup

Had my 2 month checkup with the surgeon today. All blood tests (i.e. cholesterol, liver function, iron and vitamin levels) are perfectly normal -- WITHOUT MEDICATION! A1C is down from before surgery - w/ less medication. I'm on track on my weight loss and he said by the time I have my next appointment in June I should be in the 200's. 

I feel so good and so motivated right now. I need to hold onto that feeling! 

We're going swimming later after the pool is open - in the meantime I'm riding my bike.....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Struggling & Soul Searching

I don't know why but I'm struggling a little right now - I want to eat all those things that I know I shouldn't have.  I know part of it is commercial influences - the ads for the chips and snack foods and driving by all the restaurants.  Part of it is because my diet has relaxed a little.  But still - I feel like I'm falling back into the old habits and I don't want to.

Today I really wanted a piece of fried fish.  So we went to Long John Silvers.  I had the 1 piece of fish and 4 shrimp, 1 hushpuppy and a couple of fries.  It didn't really taste all that great - and now I feel like crap.  Why do I do this to myself?!

I am promising myself right now - I will not give in to those cravings again - that's all they are - cravings - and I can get past them.  Food will not win!

Shortly aftering entering this blog, I was eating wheat thins and dill dip.  Not many - but still.  Since then I've been doing some serious soul searching.  I think I'm afraid to lose weight.

Stupid huh?

I realized I'm right at the point that I started gaining when I had lost 50 lbs before.  I think I'm afraid to go further.  I've never been below 350 lbs since the kids were born.  I don't remember what it's like to be thin.  Will things change?  Will my relationship with Andrew change?  Will my parents finally accept me for who I am?  Will I feel loved?  It's that grief thing Dr. Sabapathy talked about.  My relationships are changing - my relationship with myself, my relationship with food.  Probably in some ways - my relationship with Andrew.  I'm more active.  I'm liking myself better.  And it's scaring the hell out of me.

So what do I do about this?  How do I get past this roadblock?  How do I learn to love the new me?  I think to start I'm going to re-read the books that Dr. Sabapathy recommended.  Then I'm going to do some more soul searching and examine all the reasons that I want this - I really do want this more than anything....

1) I want to be healthy - off medications and no sleep apnea
2) I want to retire with Andrew and be healthy enough to enjoy it
3) I want to be here for my grandchildren (some day)
4) I want to set a good example for my family
5) I want to be more active
6) I want to feel good about myself
7) I want to be able to volunteer with agencies like Hope Haven and Uplift
8) I don't ever want to sit on the sidelines again (remember Florida)
9) I want my family to be proud of me and to not be an embarrassment to them

You know - just typing this out has made me feel a little better.....  Now I just have to keep that feeling.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Emotional Eating

I thought I was beyond all this emotional eating crap.  That is until Eric mentioned earlier in the week that he was leaving on Friday - then I couldn't grab those chips fast enough.  Luckily - the amount and type of trigger foods in the house is very limited.  All we had were tortilla chips.  A few is all I could eat.

Thankfully, I wised up quickly and put the food away.  When he left for the Air Force, I gained the 50 lbs I had lost plus 40 of their friends.  That's almost gone now - and I'm not going back there.

My new goal is to lose so much that when he comes home for Christmas - he won't recognize me.  I can picture us at the airport - waiting for his flight.  And he gets off the plane and walks right past me!  Wouldn't that be awesome!

I have this picture posted at work and I'm going to put one on my bulletin board as well.  The caption reads - "will he recognize me at Christmas".  Hopefully that picture and the one of me with Cali will provide enough reminders to help me through the pizza parties and receptions at work.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

I've Lost a 6 year old - and I don't want her back!

We went to Garry and Julie's yesterday.  Allyson had mentioned that she didn't want to carry an 80 lb girl - Cali - through the snow. 

As of this last weekend, I've lost 81 lbs (between pre-surgery loss & post-surgery loss) since April of 2010.  I've lost a little more than Cali weighs!  I picked her up and I had to have someone take her - she was too heavy.  And I used to carry that weight on my body!

I've lost a 6 yr old - and I don't want her back!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

OMG! I can't believe I did it!

I can't believe I actually did it....  What, you ask?  I entered the Macy's Million $ Makeover.  You have to write a summary about yourself and answer a lot of questions.  I've never put myself out there like that - but I did. 

Hope I win.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Damn Pizza

Today is the 3rd pizza lunch since I've been back to work (December 17th).  Not to mention a cake and punch reception, bagels, donuts, Christmas, New Years, mom's birthday and Andrew's Christmas party at the Argosy buffet.  Then add in all the smells of the restaurants that I have to pass to get home.  Having to walk through the bakery and specialty cheese / olives section (or I could go through the chip aisle) at the grocery store to get anywhere from the fresh fruit / veggies to any other part of the store.... 

It's frustrating and it's hard.  I haven't caved though and I'm proud of myself for that.  I don't expect others to give up what they want just because I can't have it but still....  Does it have to be so extreme!  Does anyone really need pizza every week! 

I'm not going to cave - I can find other things that I can have that will satisfy any cravings.  But really - let's give it a break - o.k.?

I've thought about this all day and here's what I've come up with......

The fact is I'm going to have to deal with this or come April when most of my restrictions are lifted I'm going to be in trouble. 

Until I win the lottery I'm going to have to deal with the food at work. Unless I can find a new grocery store I'm going to have to walk from the fresh veggies and fruit through the bakery and specialty cheeses. And unless I move I'm going to have to drive past Burger King to get home.  

I'm stronger than all those things. Food will not rule me (again). Losing 78 lbs and being able to do more things is so much better than a donut or a piece of pizza that makes me feel like crap anyway. I'll take a 5 hr shopping trip with friends over either of those things any day. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The First of Many NSV's

A NSV is a non-scale victory.  I'm sure I'll experience many of these during this journey.

The first - At Julie and Garry's house - they have an island in the kitchen.  The space between the side counters and the island is tight - so tight on one side that I haven't been able to get through there for at least a year.  Tight enough on the other side that at my highest weight - I couldn't get through there either.  Last visit - I was able to get through on the stove side.  This visit - (New Year's Day) I got through on BOTH sides!  Dani laughed at me cause I was so excited I fit through.....

Many more to come - but to me - this was a good one.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Reflection on 2010

Happy New Year and welcome to 2011!  A lot has changed in the past year - I'm 67.8 lbs lighter, I feel better, I have lots more energy, my diabetes is under control....  I'm aleady finding things I can do that I wasn't able to do before.  I can drive the Escape without the seatbelt extender and I'm close to being able to do that in the Explorer.  I'm trying new foods and finding I like them.  I'm eating healthier.  Things that used to be "normal" for me seem ridiculous - i.e. pigging out, eating huge meals.  I can put on my shoes and socks without twisting my back like a pretzel.  I feel happier. 

I'm looking forward to 2011 and the journey in front of me.  I'm excited to see what else I can do and the adventures to come. 

Happy New Year - here's to a year of new experiences and new joys!